Develia: Południe VITA South District

Investment value49,6 million PLN
Usable area12 400 sqm
Number of apartments232
Develia: Południe VITA South District
Develia: Południe VITA South District
In the initial phase of the Południe VITA project, three residential buildings will be constructed, offering a total of 111 units with sizes ranging from 26 to 101 square meters. For the comfort of residents, storage spaces and bike parking installations are also planned. The completion of the first phase and handover of the apartments is scheduled for the last quarter of 2024.
The second phase of the project was launched for sale in January 2024, envisioning the construction of three additional structures, four or five stories high, with a total of 121 apartments. This phase also includes the creation of an underground parking lot with storage spaces and surface parking spaces. Construction of the second stage is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2025.

49,6 mln pln

Investment value

12 400 sqm

Usable area

Progress Zone: Mixed-Use Project by Okam Capital in Łódź

Progress Zone: Mixed-Use Project by Okam Capital in Łódź

Progress Zone: Mixed-Use Project by Okam Capital in Łódź
57 million PLNInvestment value
14 000 sqmUsable area
View all multifamily properties

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